Studio Life


Inge Jagt took this picture of producer Larry Lee and Nadieh at the Wisseloord Studio's during the making of Nadieh's third album No Way Back.

Wisseloord Studio's where Nadieh recorded 4 of her 5 albums
Wisseloord Studio's 1985
Nadieh in front of Wisseloord 1989

A very young Nadieh at the rehearsal studio of the band Bots. 1980/1981

Recording Nadieh's third album 'No Way Back' 1989 at Wisseloord Studio's
Nadieh and her guitarist Bert Meulendijk
Lex Bolderdijk, Nadieh and Emile den Tex
Skip van Rooy on piano
Producer Larry Lee, Bert Meulendijk and engineer John Smith.
Wisseloord director Bart Sloothaak and Inge Jagt
Edward Reekers (singer of Kayak) who joined Nadieh to Japan

Old advertisement of Wisseloord in a music magazine
